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Trouble in Terrorist Town Rules

Here are the list of rules for any SESO TTT game.

The Funny Clause

Rules can be ignored if the affected person does not want the perpetrator to be punished.

Do not commit Traitorous Actions as Innocent

  • RDM (Random Deathmatch) - Killing a player without sufficient evidence, or on suspicion.
  • Traitor Baiting - Purposefully committing traitorous acts to bait other players into shooting/killing you. Jester is an exception to this as that is the point of their role
  • False KOS (kill on sight) - Calling a KOS on another player without sufficient evidence, with the intention of getting them killed.
  • Ghosting - Use of unconventional means, whether inside or outside of the game, to gain, give away, and/or use information regarding players roles or locations, or unconventional means outside of the in-game “alive” chat, to give away any information regarding the active round.
  • Prop Minging - Prop blocking (using props to block players in areas), prop pushing (pushing players into areas/situations where they take damage), or prop killing.

Map Claims

You cannot defend an area you barricaded with lethal force outside of Overtime.

No Delaying

As a traitor, you cannot camp/hide to intentionally run down the timer. This does not apply to innocents.

Intentional blocking/following

Intentionally following or blocking players into areas for an unreasonable amount of time. Must give 3 clear warnings before KOS.

Teaming with Opposite Side

Depending on circumstances, players of opposing roles or similar roles working together by disregarding rules or player roles during the active round. Situations include (but are not limited to:)

  • An Innocent helping a Traitor kill fellow teammates
  • Two Innocent players working together to kill as many players as possible w/o sufficient reasoning.
  • Revealing roles of your fellow traitor buddies at any point in the round.

Calling KOS

You are allowed to kill or call a KOS on another player, if committing a “traitorous act”, or if you have sufficient evidence.


Players may act in self-defense, regardless of the attacker’s role.

Found Traitor Weapons

You are allowed to claim use of found traitor weapons as an Innocent, try to clearly claim that you have the weapon to prevent being killed for having said weapon (text chat recommended).

Overtime Rules

Once the round reaches OVERTIME, you may KOS a player on suspicion if:

  • Not adhering to user requests (e.g., Refusing to use the T tester).
  • Not responding to a “live check” in text chat while in OT.
  • The player is AFK.

Good/Bad KOS

Examples of giving a bad KOS:

  • Based solely on location, or proximity to location (KOSing someone because they were near where someone was killed)
  • Based on player model (Seeing someone's player model but not their name)
  • Players who have T-Items and have declared it in chat.
  • Players looking at, or in the direction of Traitor traps when they are activated.
  • Players who are acting in self-defense.

Examples of giving good KOS:

  • Shooting at or killing people (other than in valid self-defense).
  • Intentionally failing to declare a body as dead (IDing can now only be done by a detective).
  • Players who cause damage with or are using props to prop minge.
  • Players that are traitor baiting.
  • Players with Traitor weapons that are NOT CLAIMED via TEXT chat.
  • Players throwing discombobs (on a high area)/incendiary grenades around or near other players.


Only detectives or marshals can give orders. Refusing orders can be seen as suspicious but cannot be used for grounds for KOS unless it is refusing to use the traitor tester during overtime.

Sufficient Evidence

Some things can point to someone being a traitor but there could be room for doubt. If there is suspicion about someone, try to get people together to question the individual to determine if you are correct.

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