====== Operation Standard ====== {{ :guides:operation-standard-cover.png?direct&600 |}} ===== 1. Getting Started ===== {{ :guides:operation-standard-introduction.png?direct&400|}} ==== Co-Zeusing ==== If you are unsure about your interest in hosting operations in SESO, you can co-Zeus in another operation. As co-Zeus, you will shadow another host during preparation and execution of their operation. If you find Zeusing to be interesting, ask to be a host. ==== Hosting an Op. ==== To host your own operations, you have to start as an Operation Host. Ask any OPSCOM to get started. **You do not need ideas or credentials, you can start at any time.** After speaking with OPSCOM, they will brief you on the role privileges and a couple of rules. - Your 1st operation in SESO **must use an existing main mod preset.** Those are posted in main-mods. You can make derivative presets of a main mod preset. - You cannot post your own one-off mod presets until you host your 1st operation in SESO. ==== SESO Mission Framework ==== If you want to use scripts, like saving loadouts on respawn or caching AI, you can use the SESO Mission Framework. It is a one-stop-shop of all the commonly used scripts in SESO over the years. https://github.com/Uncle-Sagbag/SESO-Mission-Framework If you are familiar with scripting already, feel free to download this project and add it to your mission. If not, feel free to ask OPSCOM on how to set it up. ===== 2. Role Privileges ===== {{ :guides:operation-standard-privileges.png?direct&400|}} ^ Role ^ Privileges ^ | Chief Operations Officer | Oversees S.E.S.O. canon. Access to server backend. Admin permissions. Access to Arma 3 Server Panel. Able to post mod presets. | | Operation Host | Able to host operations and campaigns. Only allowed to post one-off mod presets. | | New Host | Moves up to Operation Host after the 1st operation hosted. Able to host one-off operations. Operation must use or derive from main mod presets. | | Operative | Attends operations. | ===== 3. Hosting a Campaign ===== {{ :guides:operation-standard-operation-host.png?direct&400|}} If your op. ideas last more than a one-off operation, you can be considered for a campaign. Campaigns are a bunch of operations that share the same storyline. There can be only 2 campaigns hosted at a time. To start a campaign, you need to write to the COO the following: - The number of operations you intend to host within your campaign - The dates you wish to host each operation After the COO reviewed and approved your campaign, you may begin the process of announcing it and hosting it as appropriate. If you choose to change any operation date(s), you are permitted a total of two re-schedules. You would be permitted two times to re-schedule any number of operation dates within 8 weeks of your first operation. This would have to be reviewed and approved by the COO again. A campaign must be finished within 8 weeks of the first operation. This includes re-schedules. Campaigns cannot last longer than 8 weeks unless given permission by the COO. If you miss or re-schedule your third operation date, your campaign would be immediately terminated. To host another campaign, you would have to wait a 4 week or more penalty period before being approved by the COO. ===== 4. Scheduling ===== **If you are legitimately planning an op, schedule it first.** Whether you are an Operation Host or Campaign Host, say the exact day and time you will be planning to host an operation in #scheduling. A member of OPSCOM or COMCON will approve it, giving you full right to use that day. ===== 5. Briefing ===== S.E.S.O. follows a common briefing style. **This is a guideline. Feel free to use it or derive from it.** === Operation/Campaign Name: === Name of the Operation or campaign. === Campaign Number: === *Optional* The number operation in the campaign. For example, if it is the second operation in your campaign, the Campaign Number is 2. === <> === A cover image is used on the Discord Event cover image section. It helps hype people for your operation and give a taste of what's to come. === Situation: === The first line should be a BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front), a short 1-3 sentences describing the main points of the situation. Describe the political and tactical situation surrounding this operation. This usually is a large paragraph. === Mission(s): === The main mission(s) that need to be completed for the operatives. to win are listed here. If operatives read anything, it should be this. === Execution: === Execution is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve the missions. This is usually a numbered list. === Intel: === __Time:__ Time and date of the operation. Format we use is: YYYY/MM/DD HHMM __Weather:__ Weather of the operation. Describe it like a weatherman. (clear, slightly cloudy, cloudy, overcast, raining, thundering, etc.) __Fog:__ Amount of fog in the operation. Describe it like a weatherman (clear, slightly foggy, foggy, etc.) === Enemy TO/E: === Also known as Enemy Table of Organization & Equipment. This is where you list the enemy factions, vehicles, statics, and fire supports. === Friendly TO/E: === Also known as Friendly Table of Organization & Equipment. This is where you list friendly factions, vehicles, statics, and fire supports. Also list vehicles, statics, and fire supports available to players. ==== Example Briefing ==== __Operation Name:__ Sahara {{ :guides:operation-standard-example-image.png?direct&600 |}} __Situation:__ BLUF: Defend Fort Solaro from von Falken’s daily attacks. On the third day, allied reinforcements will save them. --- After the fall of Tobruk at the hand of Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Corps, allied forces in the 8th Army were in disarray. During their retreat from Tobruk, Lulubelle was lost in the Lybian Desert with no food and water. Along the way, they came across multiple strangers such as the Sudanese Colonial officer Tambul and his Italian prisoner Giuseppe, a captured Luftwaffe pilot von Schletow, and the Allied forces under Captain Halliday. They have agreed to support the Lulubelle in exchange for water. Von Falken’s battalion is on the tail of Lulubelle, aiming to destroy the remaining Allies before they run out of water. Lulubelle discover an abandoned fort called Solaro with 3 days worth of water. Holding this fort will guarantee the survival of the Lulubelle. This angers the German von Falken who desperately mounts attack on the position to capture their supply of water. __Missions:__ - Defend Fort Solaro from von Falken's battalion on days 1, 2, and 3. - Regroup with the 8th Army __Execution:__ - Reach Fort Solaro. Watch for ambushes and patrols. - Build fortifications for the Day 1 assault. - Use the campfire to Rest until Day 1. - Deter the Day 1 assault. - Build fortifications for the Day 2 assault. - Use the campfire to Rest until Day 2. - Deter the Day 2 assault. Destroy or capture the remaining artillery. - Build fortifications for the Day 3 assault. - Use the campfire to Rest until Day 3. - Deter the Day 3 assault. Destroy or capture the remaining artillery. - Fallback east to the 8th Army. {{ :guides:operation-standard-example-execution.png?direct&600 |}} __Intel:__ Time: 1942/07/25 0730 Weather: Clear Fog: None --- __Enemy TO/E:__ Factions: Germans (Afrika Corps) Vehicles/Statics: Tanks, APCs, Trucks, Artillery, Mortars, Statics __Friendly TO/E:__ Factions: Allies (Americans, British), German (Luftwaffe), Italian, French, Sudanese Vehicles/Statics: Tank MHQ Fire Support: None Misc. Support: Fortify tool is available for everyone. Fortifications are immensely faster to build. Everyone should build them to prepare for the daily attacks.