====== Standard Operating Procedure ====== As a medic, you will be expected to know and follow certain guidelines and policies in order to keep the operations fun and engaging for everybody. You must strictly adhere to policies. You have more leeway to be creative with guidelines. These policies and guidelines are as follows: ===== Policies ===== * If there are two or more medics, it will be decided by majority vote among them of who will be SMED. If a majority among medics is not possible then the one incharge will be chosen by the SL at the start. * The triage or treatment order is VIP>MED>SL>TL/RTO>INF unless you are ordered by an SL or TL to treat someone else. * The medical treatment takes precedent over all else (Such as fighting, looting and exploring. * Prioritize medical equipment over all else (ammo, grenades, etc) when choosing equipment. ===== Guidelines ===== * A highly suggested Medical Loadout based on the Kitbag is as follows: * 70 Elastic Bandages * 17000mL of Blood * 20 Morphine Autoinjectors * 10 Epinephrine Autoinjectors * 5 Adenosine Autoinjectors * 6 Splints * 4 Tourniquets * 1 Surgical Kit * It is advisable to pull incapacitated out of obvious harm’s way before treatment. * In mass-casualty situations, focus on stabilizing patients. * It would be good to stay at the rear of the element you are following and off the frontline. * Having the infantry also carry some medical supplies (like blood) would be beneficial. * Avoid giving blood to people who have only lost a little blood (yellow). ===== Glossary ===== * MED - Medic * SMED – Senior Medic * SL – Squad Officer * TL – Team Officer * RTO – Radio Transmission Operator * VIP – Very Important Person * INF – Unrelated Infantry