====== S.E.S.O. Logistics Standard Operating Procedure Manual ====== As a Logistician/Engineer you will be responsible to follow and know this Standard Operating Procedure Manual (SOP Logistics main function is maintaining vehicles and equipment Engineers will also have the responsibility of disarming and arming explosives and building barricades with given tools. ===== Policies ===== * Refer to this document when you need clarification on how a tool or mechanic works or you can ask the Logistics Subject Matter Expert if you are still unsure. * Keep the Logistic/Repair Truck maintained and safe beyond any other vehicle unless you're in imminent danger and need to repair armored Vehicles. * Do not abuse your privileges with explosives by putting them on friendly Vehicles the only exception is right before the Operation is over if you detonate it before the classic "Mission Complete" screen is over there will be consequences. * Distribute ammunition when it is required by going to the Repair truck checking cargo and unloading ammo boxes. * While in convoys and the convoy stops for whatever reason Check the convoy for repairs and refueling if able. If you were not in combat then check for fuel. ===== Equipment ===== Logisticians/Engineers will be given a large array of tools due to having many tasks although it may seem overwhelming at first everything will be explained in this document ===== Logistics Truck ===== In most cases, the logistics team will be given a logistics truck or a "Repair" truck. This truck will be able to refuel and repair vehicles and store equipment such as Wheels, AT Guns, and Ammo boxes ETC, it is your responsibility to maintain this vehicle above any other. if you're in imminent danger repair a BTR or Tank, ETC. The Logistics truck is your top priority to keep safe. In convoys the Logistics truck will usually be somewhere in the middle since the truck is a heavier vehicle it is recommended you keep a 3-2 car distance away and keep your hands on the handbrake well figuratively. When the logistic truck is given in an operation several ammo boxes will be presented near it, it is your job to ensure the correct ammo is in each box. It is possible to "Rename" the boxes I highly suggest you do so before you move it into the cargo slot for organization purposes. for example, a box with mostly 5.56 ammo can be called Rifle Ammo Box while the MG ammo box can be called MG Ammo. You can be more specific if you wish. If there isn't a type of ammo inside one of the boxes go to the Host/Command and request another box. (the logistic truck has a ton of slots so don't worry about cargo space) ===== Repairing ===== To repair a vehicle you will need a toolkit in your backpack. When near the piece of equipment you wish to repair you will hold down the windows key and it will show options such as 'Engine',' Fuel Tank', and 'Hull' hover over this and release then you will start to repair. With the toolkit, it can only repair the yellow(50%). Around a repair truck you do the same action it will repair it fully. Full Repair is also an option with the fuel truck nearby although it takes time it will completely repair said Vehicle Hull, Engine, Wheels, and Fuel tank the only thing that the full repair does not do is refueling but the repair truck already has a refueling nozzle interaction. ===== Refueling ===== To refuel a vehicle you will have to go to the repair truck using your windows key it will show interaction then 'refuel' then 'take refuel nozzle' You will then click it on the Vehicle you wish to refuel. When done use your windows key to disconnect it then return it to the repair truck. The refuel nozzle does have a short hose to it and will stop at a certain distance so try to keep the said vehicle close. ===== Distribution ===== When the logistic truck is given in a mission several ammo boxes will be presented near it, it is your job to ensure the correct ammo is in each box. It is possible to "Rename" the boxes I highly suggest you do so before you move it into the cargo slot for organization purposes. for example, a box with mostly 5.56 ammo can be called Rifle Ammo Box while the MG ammo box can be called MG Ammo. You can be more specific if you wish. If there isn't a type of ammo inside one of the boxes go to the Host/Command and request another box. (the logistic truck has a ton of slots so don't worry about cargo space) ===== Tools ===== * Toolkit * Defusal Kit * Firing Device * Trapkit * Entrenching tool * Wirecutter * Explosives * Fortify tool ==== Description of Tools ==== * Toolkit- The Tool Kit is what causes you to gain all knowledge on repairing Vehicles with the windows key and near a Vehicle or Turret you will be able to maintain it to the yellow level. If you have a repair truck nearby you will be able to fully repair it. * Defusal- Kit Defusal kits well they defuse any explosives when near one you will be able to defuse that explosive with the windows key but don't get too close... * Firing Device/Detonator- a firing device is a trigger that allows you to detonate explosives from a distance, When you put your explosives down make sure to set them to your triggering device using the Windows key. * Trapkit-The trap kit detects explosives such as mines and IEDs at a close distance with a beeping noise the closer you are the faster it gets, it also can pinpoint them by pressing T on the explosives and a red triangle will go above the bomb showing you where it is. * Entrenching Tool- An Entrenching tool is a shovel that allows you to create dirt barriers with superhuman speed from gigantic barriers to those small enough for one MG the entrenching tool can be a lifesaver when there is no cover and a lot of dirt on the floor. * Wirecutter- a wirecutter cuts wires such as fences it is not required as said above but for those who don't have enhanced movement it can be useful in certain situations * Explosives- explosives are self-explanatory... Kaboom * Fortify Tools The Fortify tool is a tool that allows you to build barricades and watchtowers alike along with some heavy power such as AT guns and Mounted MG's the problem is it can take a long time to make.