====== Standard Operating Procedure ====== As a cavalry operative, you will be expected to know (and follow!) certain guidelines and policies in order to keep the operations fun and engaging for everybody. You must strictly adhere to policies. You have more leeway to be creative with guidelines. These policies and guidelines are as follows: ===== Policies ===== * In ground vehicles, the vehicle commander is the heart of the vehicle. They are your team leader. Obey their orders on where to move, when to fire, etc. Your commander will spot and ID targets, relay specific information about these targets, and provide you with orders. In the event that there is no commander, the driver will inherit these responsibilities. * The commander can issue fire commands (Fire/Suppress) * As a gunner operating independently in any ground vehicle, know the rules of engagement. They are as follows: Hold fire, return fire, and fire at will. Your commander will tell you which rule to observe. * In an attack helicopter, always observe the return fire rule unless explicitly ordered otherwise. * As pilot or crewman, always carry one toolkit from the arsenal in your inventory, and leave one in the inventory of your vehicle. If necessary, carry additional tracks in the inventory of your vehicle. * If driving in a column or other formation, maintain a safe following distance of three vehicle lengths. ===== Guidelines ===== * In ground vehicles, you should remain close to the infantry. In general, it is not a good idea to lone wolf. Infantry is just as important to protecting armor as armor is to infantry. * You should load up your vehicle with additional medical supplies as defined by the medical team. Additional ammunition for the infantry should be carried at the discretion of the infantry. * Do not fly/drive beyond your abilities. If your vehicle gets destroyed, you will not get a new one. * Vehicles should be operated by more than one person, if able.