====== Arma Server Web Admin Panel ====== The Arma Server Web Admin Panel, colloquially known as the Server Panel, is the main admin tool used by S.E.S.O. to host missions on the sesounit.org server. The source code has been modified based off the [[https://github.com/Dahlgren/arma-server-web-admin|Dahlgren/arma-server-web-admin]] Github project Server can refer to two things: a single instance of Arma 3 or the dedicated machine running the admin panel. For this guide, a server will refer to an instance of Arma 3 and the system will refer to the dedicated machine the Server Panel exists on. ===== Access ===== The link for the Server Panel is [[|]]. There is no domain, like sesounit.org, assigned to this address. To access the panel, you would need the correct username and password. They are permitted to Operation Hosts, COO, CTO, and CEO. If you can see this page, you are supposed to be able to use this panel. **Username**: ''###'' **Password**: ''###'' ===== Dashboard ===== {{ :infrastructure:server_panel_dashboard.png?direct&400|}} The dashboard is the main page to see all server information. All servers will be listed here. You can see the port of a server, its CPU and RAM usage in percentage, and buttons to start or stop the server. The clone button lets you copy the settings of a server and make a duplicate. As an Operation Host, you will use the clone feature to duplicate the !CUP Server Template and the !WW2 Server Template. These come pre-configured with the settings and mods necessary to run the base mod presets. You can edit its settings and add mods on top of your clone as desired. ==== Server Overview ==== To edit a server, click on the name of the server. There will be new tabs visible: Info, Mods, Missions, Players, and Settings. They update in real-time whether the server is online or offline. === Info === The info tab shows a short summary of a server. More information is available if the server is active, such as the CPU and RAM usage and current player count. This page also provides a comma-separated list of mods currently loaded on the server. === Mods === Note the Mods tab in the server page is different from the Mods page on the navigation bar. Mods let you activate or deactivate certain mods for the server. Only mods that are downloaded onto the system can be listed and enabled for a server. === Missions === Missions let you select one or more missions to be in rotation for the server. If there is only one mission selected then it will automatically place operatives into the lobby when they join. If there are multiple missions selected, once one mission is ended it will rotate to the next selected mission in sequence. If there is no mission selected, operatives who join will need to vote for a mission to play. In any case, all missions are available to any server. A host can select which mission they want by typing ''#missions'' selecting the mission they would like. In most cases, you want one mission selected for your server. === Players === Players tab lets you see a list of currently connected players. === Settings === Settings are the most important aspect of a server. Foremost change should be changing the Title field. It can be changed to anything you like. Note that ''[S.E.S.O.]'' will always be prefixed to the server title. You do not need to write S.E.S.O. in the title. For the Port, make sure it is greater than a currently used port by 3. Most servers should use the default 2302 port. To host multiple servers simultaneously, choose a port number higher by 3. For example, if the 2302 port is already used, use 2305. If 2305 is already used, use 2308, ad infinitum. Max Players should be null. If this field is empty, the mission will automatically set the max players value based off how many actual slots there are in the mission lobby. Password is the server password. It should always be ''2''. Admin password vary based on the server. Most of the time, it can be kept as ''lamehorse'', though Hosts are welcome to set their own. MOTD (Message of the Day) is the message shown when a player first joins the server. We rarely use it. Difficulty decides the mission difficulty for all missions on the server. It should always be set to Custom as it uses the modified settings for SESO/ File Patching field is integral to run custom mod settings. ''Use file patching on server'' **should be turned on** to use SESO's CBA settings. Without it, mods will use default settings. Headless Clients are available to those who use it. If you use the SMF, it should be set to 3 to utilize the 3 available HC slots in the lobby. ''Auto Start when manager launches'' will automatically turn on the server when the panel is first launched. This is useful for scenario servers that must run 24/7. ''BattleEye'' is the Arma 3 anti-cheat. It is rarely used as we have private servers. It should only be turned on for public servers where there is no server password. ''Persistent'' is useful for missions that have persistence built in, such as multiplayer campaigns. If turned on, and the mission is designed with this in mind, the server will remember players' progress between server restarts. In our unit, it is never used. "Voice over Net" is rarely used but allows VoIP over a different port rather than the Arma 3 port. It is never used as TeamSpeak/ACRE2 is superior. "Verify Signatures" checks for mod keys/signatures on operatives' computers. If they mismatch (meaning the operatives have corrupt mods, edited mods, extra mods, or missing mods) then the operative is kicked from the server. In a perfect match, they resume connecting to the server. This is useful for missions where client-side mods can offer an unfair advantage. Inform your COO if you need Verify Signatures enabled on your server so they may set up the mods for you. ''Additional configuration options'' is useful for those who know to use it. If there are any server settings that you wish to edit that are not listed in the panel, they can be added here. ''Startup Parameters'' is a deceivingly useful part of the settings page, allowing you to set mission parameters and server mods on start up. Use of this is more advanced and usually reserved for COO. ===== Logs ===== {{ :infrastructure:server_panel_logs.png?direct&200|}} The Logs page lists a log for every server on the panel. It is listed in chronological order where newest logs are the top and the oldest ones are at the bottom. The first place to debug your server's issues is through its log. Every time a server is started, a log is created and updated in real-time. Only 20 logs can exist at a time. The oldest log is deleted every time a server is started. ===== Missions ===== {{ :infrastructure:server_panel_missions.png?direct&200|}} The missions page lets one upload, download, or delete missions to the system. When updating/replacing missions, **delete the old mission before uploading a new one**. There is a bug where uploaded missions with identical names to existing missions are overwritten by the existing mission. This means your newer mission fails to replace the older one. The eixsting mission must be manually deleted first before uploading a new one. When uploading new missions, press the ''Upload'' button and select a PBO file. To create a proper PBO file, open your mission in Arma 3 in Eden Editor and press File >> Export to Multiplayer. The PBO will be generated in the game's files under the folder ''MPMissions'', usually found in ''steam/steamapps/common/Arma 3/MPMissions''. To download missions from the Steam Workshop, add the Steam Workshop ID of a mission into the ''Download Missions'' field and click "Download". The ID are the numbers at the end of the Steam Workshop URL, such as ''786699049'' for ''https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786699049''. The ''refresh'' button lets you refresh the mission list and show the latest missions. ===== Mods ===== {{ :infrastructure:server_panel_mods.png?direct&200|}} The mods page lets you download or delete mods to the system. Mods listed here can be activated on a server-by-server basis. There is a bug where **newly downloaded mods may not work initially in any server**. This is because Arma 3 mods must be lowercased before they are readable by the server. This workaround can only be done by the COO. The panel usually checks for updates on each mod automatically and when pressing the ''Refresh'' button. When a new update is available, a blue button will be available next to the ''Delete'' button to ''Update'' the mod. **If you update a mod, make sure to lowercase it too**. Updated mods may download new files that are uppercased and fail to load. {{ :infrastructure:server_panel_mods_download_search.png?direct&200|}} You can search for mods on the workshop using the ''Search & Download'' button. If you have a specific mod in mind, you can use the ''Download specific mod'' and enter the Steam Workshop ID of a mod. The ID are the numbers at the end of the Steam Workshop URL, such as ''2442839928'' for ''https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2442839928''. ===== Settings ===== The ''Settings'' button shows Server Panel settings. ===== Servers ===== The ''Servers'' button is a shortcut to servers on the Dashboard, useful for returning to a specific server.